Deadline : Extended to November 10, 2024

Enter by using the “Submit Recipe” Button located on the top right corner of this page

  1. Attach a photo with your entry if you have one.
  2. Each entry must be individually submitted by the form.
  3. There are two categories: Baking and Decorating
  4. Make sure your email is included in the form as this is the only way we will communicate to winners
  5. Recipe does not have to be original. You are “sharing” your recipe.
  6. Ownership of any original recipes will remain with the creator.

PRIZE: SANTA’S Bag / Burger’s Smokehouse Ham; Newswanger Meats selection of spices; Esther Price box of chocolates; Eat2explre gift box, and MORE!

Cookies will be judged based on:

  1. Appearance – creativity, originality, presentation, neatness, eye appeal, appropriate to theme
  2. Taste – texture, creativity, individuality of flavor
  3. Clarity of instructions
  4. Ease of preparation
  5. All decorations must be edible

Winners will be notified by email by Monday, Nov. 18.

Winners will be announced in the Christmas issue of Seasonal Eatings.

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